Wednesday 20 February 2008

FairTrade at Bodlondeb

We recently helped arrange a FairTrade event at Bodlondeb for the residents and staff. We bought as wide a variety of produce as possible from a variety of shops in the Aberystwyth area. It's good to see that FairTrade products are being stocked in a wider range of places. We'd like to have the opportunity to thank a few people - Arnold from the Aberystwyth FairTrade Group for all the help and advice, Jen Horgan from the Aberystwyth FairTrade Group who was the guest speaker, students and staff from Coleg Ceredigion and Bodlondeb residents and staff for their time.

Connections Blog News

First thing we need to do is to congratulate Mrs. Jeremiah from Bodlondeb on her film - it's been completed and is now on the Bodlondeb blogsite. If you follow the link on this page it will take you to the Bodlondeb blog page where you'll be able to view her film.
Secondly we need to welcome Mind Aberystwyth to the Connections project. Chloe and I have been running small classes for members on the use of digital technology and the use of Open Source/Free software. With our help they've set up a blogsite and a few of the members are working on digital stories, which when completed will be put onto their blogsite. Check out Mind Aberystwyth's blogsite by follwing the link on this page.